The Test of Truth

Zechariah 13:3
“And it shall come to pass, that when any shall yet prophesy, then his father and his mother that begat him shall say unto him, Thou shalt not live; for thou speakest lies in the name of the LORD: and his father and his mother that begat him shall thrust him through when he prophesieth.”

The convicting power of truth is amazing. Zechariah prophesied that one would prophesy truth, but his parents would turn them in to be killed by the authorities. This shows the convicting power of truth, but it also shows the degree a person must take to stand for truth.

Truth is polarizing. You find throughout history that many performed horrible acts to those who proclaimed and stood for truth. Herod had John the Baptist beheaded because he told him the truth about his affair with is brother’s wife. Darius had Daniel thrown into the lions den because he would not stop praying to the God of Heaven. Jeremiah was thrown in a pit because he prophesied truth. Jesus was crucified because He told the truth that He was the Son of God. Truth is certainly a dividing factor.

We live in times when people want everyone to just get along. The problem is that when truth is proclaimed there will be division. Jesus said that truth would divide in Luke 12:51 when He said, “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:” Jesus understood that there would be divisions, even among those who call themselves Christians.

How deep will these divisions go because of truth? Jesus told us in Luke 12:53, “The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.” Jesus said that truth would literally divide families. Children would turn against their parents and parents would turn against their children all because of truth.

Christian, the test of truth in your life is determined by what degree it takes for you to compromise. If a little fighting between Christian brethren causes you to compromise truth, then your love for truth is anemic. Not only is it anemic, but your belief in truth is not really a belief at all. It is only a convenience if battles cause you to compromise truth.

Let me ask you, what will it take for you to turn on truth? If you must lose your family for the sake of truth, will you hold onto truth and lose the love of your family? If you must lose friends of a lifetime for the sake of truth, will you hold onto truth? If you must pack your bags and leave a church you attended your whole life because they compromised truth, are you willing to do it? If your alma mater teaches false doctrine, are you truly willing to stand against it for the sake of truth?

You must consider how much you truly believe in truth. I challenge you to know what the Scriptures truly teach. You will never stand for truth if you don’t know what the Scriptures teach. Second, I encourage you to daily ask God to give you the courage to stand for truth when you must. Only God can give that courage. None of us know when that day will come when we must stand for truth alone, but it will come. My prayer is that you will love truth so much that no matter the cost, you will stand with truth.

10 Ways to Stay Happily Married

10-Ways-to-Stay-Happily-Marriedby: Sandy Domelle

This being the month of February we all tend to focus in on the special love of our life. I love it when I see a significantly older couple walk into church hand in hand. I love seeing pictures of older couples snuggled together on a park bench or couch that have been married for many years. To me, this reminds me that we have strong marriages still in this day and age. The news media and many others want marriage to sound like a lost breed, but I still believe in marriage and still believe in marriage until death do us part.

If we are going to have marriages that last a lifetime, we have to focus in on things that help us as a wife to be what God created us to be for our husband. Here are 10 things that I try to focus on to keep my marriage strong.

1. God first, Husband second. If I concentrate on my relationship with the Lord, it’s going to keep me with a tender heart towards the needs of my husband.

2. Pray for him daily. I do pray that I will be for him what he needs me to be, but I also pray for many extra things for my husband. I pray that the Lord will keep him spiritually strong, physically strong, that he will have a good day, that the Lord will keep him safe, healthy and well. I pray that the Lord will help our marriage to stay strong and much more. I don’t flippantly pray for my husband each day, I really take time to focus in on him with the Lord because I know my hubby leads our home and needs the Lord’s wisdom and guidance for so many decisions. I often think that I pray for my husband more than any other person. There are times I go about my day talking to the Lord about my hubby because I love him, want to please him and meet his needs.


3. Care for him. I love caring for my husband. My hubby travels, and so when he’s home I want him to enjoy being home more than any other place he can be. In caring for him I make sure that when he comes home my home is clean, he has clean clothes, he has good meals and that he is taken care of in every way. If I concentrate on taking good care of him and meeting his needs, I won’t have to worry about him being loved and cared for by some other woman! When men are neglected at home, many times they seek it elsewhere.

4. Communicate. Make sure that you and your hubby are on the same page with everything. There are times when my husband will mention something and I am not thrilled with the idea. I don’t nag, but I will go back to him about the situation and talk to him about it so that I can get a better understanding of what the situation will entail. Communication is also being sure that you find time to talk to each other sometime each day. I know some of you are thinking that’s a no-brainer, but I’ve talked with ladies before that basically have someone living in their home that is called “husband,” but they can go days without having a conversation with him. How sad that is to me! My hubby and I communicate through one-on-one time together, texting, calling, email, etc. Communication definitely keeps a relationship going in the right direction. Once you pull away from your husband with communicating, other things start going wrong in the relationship.

5. There are no secrets. This is something my hubby and I started our marriage with and uphold to this day. Keeping secrets from your spouse is deceptive. Why would you want to keep something from your spouse? If you are doing everything right, then you should have nothing to hide from your husband. You and your husband should always be open with your emails and social networking accounts. My husband and I have access to each other’s accounts and we have the right to look at them any time we want. Furthermore, if you are typing an email and your spouse stops and looks at what you’re writing, don’t get upset because they have a right to see what you are doing. You must remember that God says you became one when you got married. Being one implies that you are one body. Your body can’t hide something from itself because it is always there. Likewise, you should never get upset with your spouse when they look at your emails or stop to see what you are looking at on the internet. Your marriage should be transparent to each other with nothing to hide.

6. Praise your husband. My husband works hard to provide for our family. Because he does so much for us, I often try to praise him for the things he does. Praising someone goes a long way and most will do more when they are appreciated. I promise, if I tell my hubby what a great man he is and butter him up with the praising….and a plate of chocolate chip cookies, I can get his help on anything I need. Praise your hubby for leading your home, for working hard and for helping you with the children. You can praise him in small notes, texts, or emails, but most of all verbally! Let him hear you praise him and praise him often!

7. Be Romantic. Every husband deserves to be loved and thought of by his wife in a romantic way. I’m not going to tell you what ways to be romantic, but I do believe that you should look for those special and thoughtful ways to show your love in the way God meant you to meet your husband’s needs.

8. Submit to your husband. I know this is not one of the favorite topics that ladies like to hear, but this is a command for every wife, and it’s important for the home to run smoothly. Submitting is not doing something when you want to, but it is following your husband’s leadership when you don’t want to and you have the power not to follow. As long as he is not leading you against the Word of God, you are to follow his leadership. You will find that when you submit to your husband that your children will follow you when you tell them to do something. They learn how to follow from you. Be sure to not only submit with your action, but with your attitude as well. Don’t cause grief to your husband when he decides to do something that you don’t really want to do. It’s not healthy for your marriage when you won’t submit to your husband.

9. Don’t take him for granted. One of the hardest things is to lose a loved one to death. It can come by an accident, cancer or other disease, etc. Let it never be that you take your hubby so much for granted that when he is gone you then realize what you really had. Take time each day to think about all that your hubby means to you and does for you and your children. Be thankful for him. I never know when my hubby leaves for a revival meeting if he will return. That’s not my favorite thought, but I do make sure that when he leaves, I’ve hugged him and told him I love him. I don’t want to have any regrets.

10. Be BEST friends. My hubby is my best friend. I look forward to doing things with him even if it’s just running quick errands to a night out with him. When I’m excited about something, he’s the first person I tell. I love spending time with him. Find things you enjoy doing together and be BEST friends.

Proverbs 18:22 says, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.” If you will take these ten things and practice them, I believe you will have a happy marriage and your hubby will believe he found a “good thing” when he got married to you.

Small Things

Zechariah 4:10
“For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth.”

The power of small things can never be underestimated. Everything big starts out small. It may seem that something so small can be harmless, but some of the deadliest things on Earth are small.

God said in the verse above, “For who hath despised the day of small things?” Throughout the Scriptures God used small things to teach big lessons. It was small Zaccheus who Jesus pointed out in a tree so that he could get saved. It was a small piece of fruit that Adam and Eve ate that led to the first sin. God is reminding us in the verse above not to ignore the small things in life. There are several small things I would like to point out that can have a big impact if you ignore them.

First, don’t ignore the small sin. Every sin starts out small, but that small sin always grows like a cancer. The small sin you ignore will be the big sin that you deal with later. You may think you can handle the small sin, but that small sin continues to get stronger each day that you don’t deal with it.

Second, don’t ignore the small time wasters. We often say that we don’t have enough time to do things, but this is not true. I have found we always have time to do something, it is simply that we have wasted our time in small increments. One minute here and there can add up to hours. Just a couple of minutes that you waste doing frivolous things can add up to several minutes that you could have used to accomplish something great. Time wasters always come in packages of small minutes. If you will do away with the small packages of time wasters, you will find you will have the time to accomplish everything you need to get done.

Third, don’t ignore the small tasks. It is the small tasks that often mess up a big job. Have you ever left off one screw when assembling something thinking that it was unimportant only to find that one screw helped everything to work right? Always remember that the small tasks added up will make big tasks. If all you do is give your attention to the “big” things of life, then the small things will be what destroys your potential.

Fourth, don’t ignore the small moments of life with people. We often don’t absorb every small moment in time we have with someone only to regret it later in life. Friend, every moment with a loved one or friend is important. Don’t let distractions keep you from having quality time with people. One day that loved one or friend will be gone and you will wish you gave every small moment the greatest attention you had.

Fifth, don’t ignore the “small” people. I am not talking about stature here, I am talking about people whom we consider unimportant. You should be thankful that God didn’t consider you a “small” person. Every person is important! Don’t allow yourself to come across as someone who is too big to talk to someone. Everyone deserves the same attention. Let the “small” people of your life feel important for you never know how they can help you in the future.

Small things always become big. Every small thing you despise will cause you great regret. Let everything and everyone in life be big, and you will never have to wish you could go back and undo how you treated the small things.

Are Thou Not From Everlasting

Habakkuk 1:12
“Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction.”

As Habakkuk testified of the coming judgment of God upon Israel, he paused for a moment to tell of the greatness of God.  He posed a question as a statement about the beginnings of God when he says, “Art thou not from everlasting…” Yes, he was reminding the children of Israel that the LORD God is not just a god Who has come around lately, but He is a God Who has always been in existence. He was testifying of the Deity of God.

As a Christian, you can rejoice in the fact that God is an everlasting God. The comfort and confidence this should bring to you should be tremendous. It should have such an impact on your life that you should never again question God or the lifestyle that He commands you to live. Let me give you some thoughts about God being an everlasting God.

First, nothing is new to God. Whatever problem you face on a daily basis, God knows how to handle that problem. Whatever trial you are going through at the present moment is not something that God has not seen before. Whatever heartache you may be experiencing is not something that God has not helped others with in the past. To say that God is from everlasting is more than the mind can truly comprehend. It should comfort the believer to know that no matter what they face, they have a God Who can help them through it. You don’t have to face your problems alone. Instead of going to those who have a beginning with your problems, you should go to the One Who is from everlasting, for He has seen this problem before and knows how to help you no matter how unique your problem may be.

Second, God is not going to run out on you. Because God is from everlasting, that means He is not a storefront shop that sells you something today and is gone tomorrow when you need help with the product. Friend, if God commands you to do something, you can be assured that He will be there when you need Him. God is not a fly-by-night god Who commands you to step out by faith and won’t be around when you step out. No, when you step out by faith, you will find that God will be there for you to help you through whatever faith has brought your way.

Third, because God is from everlasting that means He is in control. When you look at the world system, you can sometimes think that everything is falling apart. I’m glad that I serve a God Who is in control. God’s plan is working out, and you simply need to rest in the confidence that you are a part of God’s plan. Everything that is happening in this world is bringing us to the point when God is going to come back and rapture the saved to Heaven. You need not fret about the world system, God is from everlasting and it is all part of His plan to prepare the world for His coming.

Christian, stop for a bit and think about what an everlasting God truly means to your life. You will find that as you meditate on this thought it will bring a comfort and confidence to help you face every situation in your life. There is no need to be stressed out in life when your God is from everlasting. He is in control, and you don’t need to worry or fret for He will help you through your problems if you will simply yield to His guiding hand.

Please Pray for Mrs. Karie Owens Heart Procedure

NOwens14Please pray for the Missionary Nathan Owens family. Mrs. Karie Owens is having a procedure on her heart next Tuesday, March 4th, to correct what is called SVT (an abnormal fast heart rhythm that starts in the upper chambers, or the atria, of the heart). The procedure Mrs. Owens will go through uses radio frequency to freeze the abnormal electrical pathway in her heart. Pray for wisdom for the medical staff as they perform this procedure, and that there will be no adverse reactions to this delicate procedure. Pray that this will help cure her health problems and that she will have a complete recovery. We will keep you updated.

And God Saw Their Works

Jonah 3:10
“And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.”

There is always hope with God. It does not matter to what depths of sin you have sunk or the shame that your sin has caused, God is always willing to forgive and rebuild a life. God’s mercy can reach to any depth and pull someone out of sin.

Nineveh found this out first hand. God had pronounced judgment against this city because of their wickedness. God sent Jonah to preach against the city and give them one last chance to get right with Him. As we can see from the verse above, they listened to the preaching of the prophet and repented of their sin. The verse says, “And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil…” Nineveh’s actions caused God to exercise mercy upon this city. Just as Nineveh saw God’s mercy, any person who has sinned can see God’s mercy. Let me give you several thoughts that we can glean from this verse.

First, God always gives a last chance to repent before He sends His judgment. God had already determined His judgment, but wanted to give them one more chance to get right. I have found that God always gives a last chance before sending His judgment. What you must be careful of is that you don’t always know when it is God’s last chance. This is why we must get right the first time God gives us a chance. God is not obligated to give a chance, and He is not obligated to give us more than one chance to get right, so when He gives a chance you should take advantage of it.

Second, words of repentance are not good enough. Notice the verse says, “And God saw their works…” It didn’t say that God heard their words of repentance, but He “saw their works.” You can go to God a thousand times and ask God to forgive you, but God’s mercy is exercised because of actions and not because of words. Many Christians live on a false assurance of confession when God wants actions to follow up confession. Notice that Proverbs 28:13 says, “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” God’s mercy does not go into action until you take action about your sin.

Third, your actions will always speak louder than your words. God desires action more than He requires words. Yes, God wants to hear you admit that you are sorry for your sin, but His greatest desire is that you back up your words with actions. God is looking to see if you meant what you said. Friend, you cannot fool God. You can tell God that you are sorry, but He looks to see if you change your ways. We can easily fall into the trap of thinking we can pull the wool over God’s eyes like we do with mankind, but God knows your heart and sees your action. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can fool God like you have everyone else.

Let me ask you, what are your works saying to God? Do your works compel God to be merciful to you? Every Christian needs God’s mercy on a daily basis. Daily live your life showing God through your works that you are serious about doing right. Always remember that it is not always the best Christians who receive God’s mercy, but it is those who back up their words of confession with works. Let God see your works of righteousness, and you will experience the mercy of God.

Fallen in Paradise

Fallen-in-Paradiseby: Dr. Bob Gray Sr.

Genesis 4:1, “And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.”

I am thinking of a man whose father is a nationally known preacher. This man went to a Christian school and grew up in a Christian home. He had all the love of a mom and dad that a boy could receive. He sang songs such as Jesus Loves Me, and The B-I-B-L-E, and Zacheaus Was a Wee Little Man. He participated in all of the teen activities. He went soul winning. In spite of this, today he is living a wild, ungodly lifestyle. He is involved with liquor, the Hollywood lifestyle, and illicit sex. He even burned down his parents’ house, trying to kill them.

There is a well-known pastor who has preached behind my pulpit. If I were to list the ten most popular preachers of our generation, he would be on that list. He loves God, and he and his wife had a great marriage. However, his daughter was loose. She thought she could go to Lovers Lane, neck and pet, and not be affected. Soon, she became pregnant out of wedlock, and her dad’s heart was broken. His second daughter followed the same path.

Billy Sunday was one of the greatest evangelists who preached across this nation. He fought the liquor crowd. He went to his pulpit one day, and someone handed him a newspaper. The headlines announced that Billy Sunday’s own son had been involved in a drunk-driving accident.

Dr. Hyles told me the story of one of the men who drove him around. This man was a graduate of Tennessee Temple Schools. His dad was a well-known pastor, and this man became a popular evangelist. One day, the evangelist went into a bar to collect a debt. He took his first drink and walked out drunk. He was married seven times, and his life was ruined. He ended up in the Hammond Rescue Mission.

Revival Fires Ad3There are teenagers sitting in churches all over the country who are sold out soul winners. They think they can live for God while they fool around with the world, but they cannot do both. Before long, their lives will be wrecked and ruined, and they will be looking for help and advice from their preacher.

Maybe you visited a church and found it was different from any other church. The pastor preached strong convictions and soul winning. People were saved and baptized. You sensed the Spirit of God working. You laughed at the jokes, cried, and went to the altar. You even found yourself saying, “Amen.”

You joined the church, thinking you would have it made. You thought things would go well for you if you had that particular pastor—a pastor who preached separation from sin, who had a bus ministry, who preached Hell-fire damnation, who held standards and never changed. You thought your children would automatically turn out right if you put them in the Christian school. You thought your sons and daughters would turn out right in that college with an electrifying soul-winning atmosphere.

Now something has happened to you. You discovered the preacher and the staff members were human. You discovered the members had faults. You discovered the members gossiped at that church, just as they gossip in every church. It did not bother you until you were the target of the sermon or the target of the gossip. It did not bother you until your child received demerits you thought he did not deserve.

Suddenly, you find that you are backslidden. Your children are backslidden. You do not understand how it could happen in such a great church.

I believe “influence does influence,” and that is why it is called “influence.” A Christian school pushes for right. It helps those who want to be right with God. On the other hand, it hardens those who do not want to be right with God. If you want to serve God, it will help you be above average; but if you want to be average it will be a thorn in your flesh. No amount of influence and environment can ever make you spiritual or make you do right; it simply makes it easier to do right and be spiritual.

Think about Cain. Both of his parents were saved. God had given both of them coats of skin; they were washed in the blood and born again. When Cain was born, Eve said, “I have gotten a man from the Lord.” Cain’s name means “acquisition.” He was cradled in a lullaby of love and faith from infancy. He worshipped with his parents at the gate of Paradise. Every Sabbath day his dad killed a lamb, placed his hands of faith on its head, and sacrificed it on an altar. He saw the cherubim and the flaming torch. He actually heard the voice of God.

Cain’s parents probably showed him the results of sin. They made him feel the thorns on the plants, and then they showed him the poisonous snakes that had once been peaceful. They showed him the weeds in their gardens. They warned him that sin would ruin his life, just as it did the rose, the wild beasts, and the serpent. They showed him their wrinkled brows and stooped shoulders caused by sin. They explained that their fatigue at the end of the day was caused by sin.

There were no dirty magazines in Cain’s home. No flashing lights lured him to watch a dirty movie. No wrong crowd led him astray, and no fallen woman lured him to sin through lust. There were no atheistic professors to ruin his mind. No slum area caused his fall, and no ghetto pushed him to dope. There were no adult bookstores, no profanity, no television, no bars, no rock music, and no Playboy magazine. There were no disco joints, no country and western music, no miniskirts, no drug dealers, no pimps, and no red-light districts. There were no Kennedy’s, and no John MacArthur’s. There was no NIV, ASV, or RSV.

Cain lived where it was easiest to serve God. He lived in a utopian place. Yet, he disobeyed God by bringing the wrong sacrifice, and then he murdered his own brother.

If you had been in the Garden of Eden, you would have blamed God for your fall. You would have blamed Paradise. Yet, it is no more the church’s fault that you are not right with God than it was God’s fault that Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Church is a marvelous place, but it will not make you spiritual. Members come and go. They become upset with the preacher when they quit reading their Bibles and going soul winning. They quit going to Sunday school and start working on Sundays, and then they wonder why their children turn out wrong. They quit tithing and giving offerings. They blame the preacher because he did not keep them right with God.

God did not give you a preacher and a church to keep you right with Him. It is your job to stay right with God. If you do not read your Bible for the entire week, you cannot expect the preacher to keep you right with God. Pray and read the Bible for yourself.

The youth pastor only has your children one hour on Sunday morning and one hour on Sunday afternoon, so it is not his fault if your children turn out wrong. There are 168 hours in a week, and the pastor only has you for three of those hours. It is your responsibility to keep yourself right with God.

A dad once said to me, “I gave my kids to fundamentalism, and look what happened.” I replied, “You should have kept them because it is your responsibility to raise your children.”

If you are backslidden, you have two choices. First, you can look for another church that matches your spiritual condition. You can justify your backslidden condition by gathering other backsliders around you.

Second, you can face the fact that the atmosphere cannot keep you right. It can only point out your backslidden condition. Even though you are backslidden, stay in your church. Then, get right with God. When your child gets some sense, he will have a place to come home.

If you backslide at church, you cannot go to a better place to get right with God, so stay and get right with God. There is no better Book to help you get right with God than the King James Bible. All the other “bibles” are simply perversions. There are no better truths to give you. There is no better cause than keeping people out of Hell. What else motivates you and keeps you right with God? It is your responsibility to keep yourself right with God.

The greatest tragedy is when a Christian goes to church, hears the great music, sees the salvations and baptisms, hears great guest preachers, hears Bible studies and sermons, and goes to summer camp, yet backslides and longs to return to Egypt. You walk sacred halls, sacred buildings, and sacred classes every day, but you are not right with God. You go to chapel and hear men of God preach, but you are not right with God. You are in a spiritual utopia, yet you are backslidden. Your church preaches the King James Bible is the only Word of God, and you are backslidden. Instead of realizing it is your fault that you are backslidden, you blame the pastor.

It is easier to lose your temper with the principal or youth pastor because your child was supposedly wronged than it is to lose your temper at the child for doing wrong. No, it is not the preacher’s fault, the church’s fault, or the school’s fault; it is the home’s fault. You have no one to blame but yourself. We can make it more conducive for you to be spiritual and for you to raise your children right, but you have to choose to do right.

Parents do not let your guard down. Students do not let your guard down. The preacher will not make you spiritual. The church and school will not make you spiritual. Throw away the TV Guide, brush the dust off your Bible, and read it. Spend time with God. Being around spiritual people will not take the place of your personal walk with God.

You were attracted to the church and people because you were spiritual. You loved to see people saved. You were the best producer at your church. You loved the singing and the preaching. They used the right Bible. You loved the bus routes. You went to that church because you were on a spiritual high.

The church became unattractive because you became unspiritual. The people did not change; you simply became unspiritual. If you had been spiritual, you would have forgiven. “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.” Now you are cold and backslidden, and the church is unattractive. The preacher is unattractive.

God puts imperfect people in perfect positions on purpose. The pastor is an imperfect man preaching a perfect Book to imperfect people, trying to perfect them. The pastor’s imperfection is used by God to help you become more spiritual and forgiving.

You became unspiritual because you depended on the church to make you spiritual.

I was in a Question and Answer session once with Dr. Jack Hyles when a man asked him, “Dr. Hyles, how do you keep Mrs. Hyles right with God?”

Dr. Hyles replied, “It is not my job to keep Mrs. Hyles right with God. That is her job.”

If you are very irritated by the preacher, you are unspiritual. When you depend on the church to keep you spiritual, you will be unspiritual. Did you read your Bible this morning? Did you pray?

If you joined a church because of right, you will not allow your wife or child to make you leave. However, if you joined the church because of your wife or children, you will leave because of them.

One man said, “You did not get the heart of my son.” The Bible says, “My son, give me thine heart.” It does not say, “My church member, my youth member….” Dad, go home and claim your child’s heart. Quit blaming the church because your children are not doing right.

Why did you choose your church? Why did you choose that particular church over another church in town? The answer will determine how long you stay at your church. Our church has great benefits; however, you should not join a church because of its great youth program, its music, its preaching, its college, its fame, or even its soul winning. You should join a church because it is the right church for you to attend.

As father and priest of your home, if you do not believe your church is the right one, neither will your children. They will believe and act what your heart believes. If you believe in your church, your children will believe in it, too. No youth activity or school will induce your children to love Jesus and serve God.

If you believe in your church, you will stay in it even if your children go to the Devil. You will not be affected by the emotions of your wife or the rebellious behavior of your children. You will not be prodded, coerced, tormented, or manipulated into leaving it.

Your wife will be secure and happy, knowing that you will not move when times are tough, when friends leave, when the children do wrong, or when she has a bad day at church. Your children will be happy and secure because you support the preacher, the principal, the teacher, and the youth director. In fact, if your wife and children think they can sway you or change your mind in such a weighty decision, they will lose confidence in you as a leader. If you leave for the sake of their happiness, they will actually be less happy.

This unwavering determination to stay because it is right for you and your family has two benefits. First, your choice to stay where God wants you gives your marriage stability. My wife is happy and secure because she cannot change my mind. Second, this decision to stay gives my children the confidence to stand for right and the example to follow to turn out right.

Too often parents change trying to salvage their marriage or their teenager and actually end up destroying what they were attempting to salvage. If you tell them you were lying about the church being right, they will wonder what else you lied about. You will become merely a politician who takes a poll before making a decision or giving a speech.

When your child is a college student trying to decide what is right for him, your stability and confidence will make it easier for him to decide the same. He may not decide the same, but it will be easier for him to do right if he knows mom and dad are staying, regardless of his choice.

The church will not make you spiritual. It cannot make you do right. You must be responsible for your own spirituality.

Dr. Bob Gray Sr.

The Silent Killer

Joel 1:12
“The vine is dried up, and the fig tree languisheth; the pomegranate tree, the palm tree also, and the apple tree, even all the trees of the field, are withered: because joy is withered away from the sons of men.”

I was recently listening to the late legendary coach Jimmy Valvano give his famous speech in 1993. Jimmy Valvano was the head coach of North Carolina State University who, against all odds, won the 1983 NCAA Basketball Tournament. His team was considered the “Cinderella team.” Jimmy V, as he was known, was sick with cancer when he gave this famous speech. He said there were three things people should do every day, and one of those three things was to laugh. These were inspiring words to hear from someone who was fighting cancer.

The verse above says that the vine, fig tree, pomegranate tree and palm tree were drying up and dying because there was no joy “from the sons of men.” God is teaching that the lack of joy causes things to die. In other words, not having joy is a silent killer. We certainly are concerned about things that kill people, and there are some things over which we have no control, but we do have control over whether or not we are joyful. Being joyful is a choice. You can choose from whence your joy comes.

If I were to tell you that I had a cure for cancer, you would certainly be interested in that cure and especially if you had a family member fighting cancer. If I told you that I know where you can get a cure for multiple sclerosis, you would want to know where to go if you or a loved one were dealing with this horrible disease. Yet, the Scriptures give us a cure from life withering away, and that cure is joy. Life doesn’t have to be a drudgery that we must go through. It can be something in which we are joyful, and that joy will keep your life from withering away.

Too many churches are places where there is no joy. If you were to walk into the average church, you would find a place that looks and feels more like a funeral service than a church service. Far too often we equate worship with solemness and no laughter. Yes, there are times when we should be solemn in church, but I believe that church should be a place where God’s people smile, laugh and enjoy what He is doing in their midst.

Moreover, your home should be a place where there is joy. If you want the life of your home to continue, then you better learn to make it a place of joy. Sadly, more homes are places of fighting and squabbling than they are places of joy. You might find that your children would enjoy being home if they felt that home was a place of joy.

One of the ways you are going to keep joy in your church and home is to keep the drama of life from controlling them. Certainly, we all have our drama with which we must deal, but it doesn’t have to control our atmospheres. Deal with the drama of life, but don’t let the drama of life dictate the atmosphere of your home and church.

Furthermore, you can keep the joy in your home and church by laughing. Yes, you can laugh. Laughter is a good medicine. God says in Proverbs 17:22, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine…” Mr. Valvano was right when he said that we should laugh everyday. Laughter is the medicine of life that keeps joy alive.

Friend, let me encourage you keep the silent killer of no joy away from your home and church. Decide to be the one who cheer up every place you go. If you must change your personality, then do it for the sake of life. Let joy become a part of your personality, and you will find that the drama of life will not kill the atmosphere of the places you love.

Preaching at Calvary Baptist Church, Fresno CA

Robinette14This week I am preaching at the Calvary Baptist Church just outside of Fresno, California, in the Caruthers area. Pastor Billy Robinette took over this country church over 4 years ago. They are literally located in the middle of farm country. All around the church are vineyards, but the people still drive in to hear the preaching of the Word of God. It was exciting to see the church house filled in this country church. Their theme for the year is, “A Place to Grow,” and they are taking it seriously. They are a country church who still practice the old paths. I’m looking forward to the rest of the week to see what the LORD is going to do in the hearts of His people.

One thing that I enjoy about Pastor Robinette is his vision. He is excited about where the LORD has placed him, but he is not confining his vision to a small farming community. It’s an honor to preach for someone who understands the need for people to have an old paths Baptist church in a rural community, but also has a world vision for souls like Christ has. Thank God for faithful men like Bro. Robinette.

BlunkallThere was another special blessing we had this morning when Evangelist Buddy Blunkall and his family sang the special for the service. Bro. Blunkall at the end of last year had a stroke and was put into a medically induced coma. It was exciting to talk to him this morning and to see him on the mend. Please continue to pray for his healing so he can get back on the evangelistic trails to be a help to churches.

Before the Departure

Hosea 1:2
“The beginning of the word of the LORD by Hosea. And the LORD said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredom, departing from the LORD.”

One of the more interesting things that God commanded a prophet to do was to go take a wife of whoredoms. Hosea was an amazing man in that he didn’t question God, but he immediately obeyed. God wanted Hosea to take a wife of whoredoms because He knew she would eventually leave Hosea for her lifestyle. Though Hosea would initially save her from this life, she would eventually leave him to go back to her old lifestyle.

God equated His relationship with Israel as a husband and wife. Just like Hosea’s wife would depart from him, God said that Israel would depart “from the LORD.” Using the word “departing” is a very strong word because this implies that it was not a mistake, but it was a purposeful choice. It was Israel’s choice to leave the LORD.

A Christian never “falls” into sin; they depart into sin. Sin is never an accident; sin is a choice. Too often we want to imply that our sins are a mistake with which we had nothing to do, but that simply is not true. Every time a Christian goes into sin, they chose to go into sin. You can choose to say that you fell into sin, but God’s Word says that we depart into sin. Sin is a choice.

David didn’t fall into adultery, he chose to commit adultery. Peter didn’t fall into denying the LORD, rather he chose to deny the LORD. Ananias and Sapphira didn’t fall into lying to the Holy Ghost; they chose to lie to the Holy Ghost. Any time anyone sins, including you, they chose to go into sin. Better yet, they depart into sin. It is a willful act on the part of the Christian to go into sin.

However, before Israel chose to depart into sin, they departed from God in their heart and mind. They thought another lifestyle would be better. They thought other gods could do them better. They thought other commands were better. Before they physically departed to other gods, they had departed in their hearts and mind.

Before a Christian ever departs into sin, they mentally depart from God. Before a Christian’s backslidden ways are seen by others, they have already backslidden in their heart. To depart from God means they planned the departure before they actually departed. To depart from God means they lived the other life in their mind before they actually departed to live that life. To depart from God means they saw another lifestyle in their mind that was better than the Christian lifestyle. It all happens in the mind. Before a person ever departs into sin, they have already departed in their mind.

Friend, you must protect your mind. Your mind will come up with imaginations about sin that just are not true. That is why God says in 2 Corinthians 10:5, “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” You must control what you think so that you don’t depart from God in your mind.

Let me simply remind you that no matter what you imagine is better than serving God, it is not! Every other lifestyle will bring heartache and dissatisfaction. Don’t allow yourself to depart from God in your heart and mind. Before you ever depart from the LORD and choose to commit some sin, always remember that sin cannot satisfy. It is your choice to stay with God, and the choice to stay with God’s lifestyle will bring joy and satisfaction. Don’t depart in your heart and mind for that will eventually bring an actual physical departure from God.